
Prayer plays a vital role in the life of Christians and the church. Therefore, both at St James’ and St Timothy’s, prayer ministry is central to our parish life. We pray in a variety of different ways, but our motivation is always the same – to connect with God and see situations changed.
  • Prayer ministry is available after the service at St Tim’s and St James on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at St James' during communion.
  • A Prayer Chain, made up of a small group of people offers prayer support for anyone in need.. Prayer requests are kept confidential and within the group only.
  • A team of Lay Ministers are available to visit you at home, or hospital and to pray with you through any situation you are going through.
  • The vicar is available to counsel and pray with anyone going through a time of crisis.

We have short prayer meeting each week to which anyone is welcome. Tuesdays and Wednesday 9:00-9:30 am at St Timothy’s, and Thursday 9:30-10:00am at St James’. We share short bible readings then pray for our parish and the wider community.

If you are in need of prayer or have any questions about our prayer ministry, please contact the Parish Office.


Parish office:

46 Kendal Avenue
Burnside, Christchurch

Office hours:

Monday to Thursday 9am - 12:30pm
Office closed Fridays and weekends
